Diretora de Arte, Cenógrafa, Figurinista, Ilustradora
Editora Evoluir / Curielo, Microbio Cientista Child book about the adventures of little Microbe and is family inside and outside the human body Mixed media: acrylic ink, stencil, collage
Editora Evoluir / Curielo, Microbio Cientista Child book about the adventures of little Microbe and is family inside and outside the human body Mixed media: acrylic ink, stencil, collage
Editora Evoluir / Curielo, Microbio Cientista Child book about the adventures of little Microbe and is family inside and outside the human body Mixed media: acrylic ink, stencil, collage
Editora Evoluir / Curielo, Microbio Cientista Child book about the adventures of little Microbe and is family inside and outside the human body Mixed media: acrylic ink, stencil, collage
Editora Evoluir / Curielo, Microbio Cientista Child book about the adventures of little Microbe and is family inside and outside the human body Mixed media: acrylic ink, stencil, collage
Editora Evoluir / Curielo, Microbio Cientista Child book about the adventures of little Microbe and is family inside and outside the human body Mixed media: acrylic ink, stencil, collage
Editora Evoluir / Curielo, Microbio Cientista Child book about the adventures of little Microbe and is family inside and outside the human body Mixed media: acrylic ink, stencil, collage
Editora Evoluir / Curielo, Microbio Cientista Child book about the adventures of little Microbe and is family inside and outside the human body Mixed media: acrylic ink, stencil, collage
Editora Evoluir / Curielo, Microbio Cientista Child book about the adventures of little Microbe and is family inside and outside the human body Mixed media: acrylic ink, stencil, collage
Curielo, Microbio Cientista
Published by Evoluir Editora - SP / Brasil